Aanvraag zaalhuur

Contact person
Is the activity open to the public?
Is the activity free for participants?
Date Start time End time Operations
Preferred space / spaces
Meeting room
Cinema room
Rehearsal space dance/music
Exhibition space
Theatre or concert hall
Technical equipment reservation
20 euros
20 euros
5 euros
20 euros/hour
Please indicate the desired quantity per item.
Reservation catering
8 euros / 10 cups
8 euros / 10 cups
4,5 euros / bottle
4,5 euros / bottle
6 euros / bottle
13 euros / cake   
Lunch sandwiches assortment – 5,50 euros/pers
Lunch sandwiches assortment with soup – 8 euros/pers
Lunch buffet – 15 euros/pers
Bread buffet – 10 euros/pers
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Read the terms and conditions. (opens in a new tab) (only in dutch)